Saturday, November 1, 2014

Being Judgemental. Facts Distortion. Complicating Things.

We are being brought up in an environment that our thoughts are constantly swayed to making judgement on other people through assumptions. Due to the fact that we're living in a society that money and status is the one that determine the 'class' that we are living in. How many of us are not judgemental? Before you said you're not, think of situations below. If you've made assumptions by making up thing in your mind before finding out facts.

1. You just got your brand new car last night, a kid threw a stone and left a scratch. What's your immediate reaction?

(Answer: The kid was trying to get your help asking for attention. No one stopped to help him when his brother is laying down on the road after an accident)

2. You purposely took leave and went to attend a seminar. But the speaker speaks really soft and murmuring and you can't hear a thing. What's your feeling?

(You felt frustrated, time wasting and disappointed. Answer: The speaker had some medical condition and he was about to speak on how he went through...)

3. You saw a man unconscious laying down by the corridors with many beer bottles beside him.

(You must have thought that he's a drunkard. Answer: He's a homeless man picking up bottles for a living and he just fainted because he didn't eat for days).

So now, count the instances that you've been triggered by anger, by just making assumption to others in life.

Next, human tends to complicate things by making up rumours. They felt the joy by just talking bad about others and humiliating others in order to make themselves feel better by creating a picture of positioning themselves higher than the rest. Haven't you said such thing before? Have you been jealous or bad mouth about your own family members just because you wish to make them look bad so that you would stand out better?

"I'm earning and doing well in my job, look at my cousin, wasting his life that he haven't even completed his studies in college. What a useless spoiled brat". (He have difficulties in his studies and no one is willing to help him. He felt ashamed that he's stuck in such a situation)

"Look at my sister-in-law, dressing like a slut, she must be eyeing on my brother's money." (But do you know what she went through? She might have low self esteem, and her dressing might be absurbed, but she thought that's the way of impressing others.)

Ask yourself a question:
Do you really have nothing better to do in life that you love to judge others. How does other's live their life ever concern you? Have they taken a penny from you, or they owe you a million bucks? Or they have wronged you in a really harmful way that you have to make other's life miserable.

One should always be holding their judgement and thoughts back before knowing a person well enough. I've had many comments from my colleague that my first impression to them is that I'm a diva, stuck up girl, lansi with attitude that does not like to mingle around with others. But just right after we have known each other well enough, they drop all their thoughts and never imagined that I'm such a random crazy girl who makes them burst out in laughters. They even think that I'm nuts in some ways. Well, ask the girl that I've worked with for 2 long years. When I kick her shoes far away in the middle of a seminar because we got bored, when we started talking about nonsense in the middle of a townhall meeting, and how I pressed all the floors of the lift because she forgotten where's the library. Besides my family, my boyfriend and my close friends and colleagues, you have no rights to judge me.

Stories and things that are being made up are usually one sided. Usually, we made things up because we felt jealous and we wanted the situation to be in our favour as if we are always the right one. If you've listened to such stories, how sure are you that the facts are right? And not that majority of them are being made up. When you choose to believe and gossip around with such 'facts', have you verified or asked the party that you're speaking about if all of them are true? And do you really know what they're going through or all the sacrifices that have been made.

Also, have we ever considered by just making assumptions and spreading rumours, how much harm have we brought upon others? Do you really feel happy by making other's life miserable? If you said yes, then you should be seeing a physcatrist.

So much so that we could say that we don't really need to mind about what other's said as long as we are happy. But.. well, unless we move away, or shut ourselves to others somehow, somewhere in life the world is too small not to cross each other's path.

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