Sunday, November 15, 2015

Jermsusu - Our Wedding.

This random quote 做人不需要太过于迷信。这只会苦了自己,也苦了身边的人。
..... which means, don't be too superstitious in life, you not only make your life difficult but others around you as well.

Based on most of the chinese believe, they will look at your zodiac and the year that you are born then make some judgement that what would happen to both if they were to get married. I am born in the year of Tiger and my hubby is born in the year of Rabbit. So with some so called 'logical' thinking, I shall eat up my Rabbit husband and he will obey to me for the rest of our lives together. And the calculation said that we are both born in the year of 'fire', so we will end up arguing most of the time and not have a happily ever after live. Also, with lots of other horrible things that you would not want to know.

Now, look at my poker face. Do you ever think myself and hubby going to give a damn about all these nonsense? I am straight forward and I hate bull shits. And he love me for being honest most of the time when I am mad, I just poured out everything and next I would forget what I've just said and fell asleep. Most of the time, he would also forget what I said and carrying on with his work.

So we decided that our lives are not determine by all these superstition but is our own choice to make things possible. Which is how we choose to communicate and give in to each other having to commit ourselves to this very decision to spend the rest of our lives together.

This is such a potong steam to start the post.

We are half way through our wedding preparations and the date is drawing close. There's much anticipation that the day would come soon, but at the same time, I also wish that the day would end as fast as possible so that we could get over and head to our long awaited road trip honeymoon.

I managed to finished the close to 30-40 pages of run down of event, or I don't know what to call the prep sheet that was given by my bestie. I've purchased most of the things that we need for the wedding from gowns, ji mui and heng dai's attires, decorations for the car and photobooth, accessories when the exchange rate was still fairly ok *phewww*. Sure feels good to see the checklist being ticked off one by one.

What's left is just things to do closer to the date which is like printing of invitation cards and distribution and the tradition 'gor tai lei'. I am so glad that my parents are really open minded and easy going that we need not follow every single traditional things that's like kinda memafankan.

Many said that there were many arguments and the process is tough for a wedding.

I would agree so. But at the same time, I am glad that both of us share the same view in life and therefore we do know each other pretty well. Taking prewedding photos was rather easy for us as well with that kind of chemistry that we shared since we got together and hopefully last for good.

Picking of a place was decided within a week. Whereby we just shortlisted only 2 restaurants and we agreed that we want chinese food and our main priorities are location and the food must be good. So, we went and surveyed two places and just made a call the next day and booked the place. Picking of wedding band was done in 1 Utama within 2 hours, we only saw 3-4 shops and we decided immediately after we saw that pair of ring in Wah Chan. PreWedding photographer was decided after I tabulated quiet a bit of comparisons and based on our budget, we got a good feeling about them. Gowns and theme was my decision since he trusted my taste. Most of the things we decided easily without much arguments, sorry what 'superstition' I heard from the background? In all, there's no need to make life so difficult.

Honestly, I worked really hard to make this wedding possible. And us who manage to make things worked out within a very short period of time. 1 year to get a place and 1 year to save up for wedding. Those things that you see on Facebook? They were just as good as they are, but the things that we have been through behind the scene was not a smooth sailing journey. Nevertheless, this whole life long journey is a learning path for both of us. Also, each obstacle that we went through is a stepping stone to another one that keeps our relationship strong.

Till then. I've written a whole budget wedding tutorial in a forum.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015




20年前的相遇让我们在彼此的童年留下了少许的回忆。当时的我们只是一般调皮的小孩,没想过我们会在20年后的相遇变成彼此的一生一世。小时候的你帮我取了一个伤了我自尊心的花名- “智障”。虽然我们两个都不迷信,仿佛就好像是现在回来弥补过去的过错。我们在其中遇到不少的人和事,各自都长大成人,随着时间的流逝靠着缘分的相随才有再次的相遇。

你再次的出现改变了我原本的所有,把我从水深火热中拉了一把。当时天真的我,为了那种以为是爱情的感情而放不下,也离不开。 直到察觉已长大的我需要的是一个可靠的男人,一个懂得珍惜也爱护我的男人。你并没把我抢走,只是你的出现把在昏睡的我叫醒。 让我更清楚地看到了所有。当时下定决心的我,有着你的陪伴才鼓起了勇气选择离开。

当然,如果某一个人能让另一个人改变,他或她对他的有相当的影响之力才能导致对方做出那样的决定。就像你改变了我好多我没察觉到的坏习惯,而我也让你把许多的过去都做出改变。我从来都没发现过原来我吃饭时是常常都把头低下,也就是不管任何时刻都爱吃油炸东西 。你也从未想过要为一个女孩的一句话而戒烟。也没想过当初那么爱改装车的你,现在会既然想要比较实际的东西。还有常常泡夜店喝酒,和朋友吹水既然会选择放弃这全部换作陪我在家里看戏和过着平静省钱的生活。

如果现在我们所烦恼的问题不纯在,你的确是百分百的好老公。就像范玮琪的歌 “你是我最重要的决定” 那一句歌词- 我常在想应该在也找不到任何人想你对我那么好。一个刷牙时会记得挤牙膏在我的牙刷上,一个知道我爱吃虾但又懒得剥虾壳,一个比我还会煮饭,一个觉得我的快乐比任何东西都重要,一个会去学做我最爱吃的蛋糕,一个会帮我拿衣服出去晒,一个到了目的地自然会传简讯尽量都不让我担心,一个帮我的朋友们都当自己的朋友,一个对我家人大方,一个会陪我一起笑 一起难过,一个把最好的都留下给我,一个不介意我晚上都跟我的‘会发出声音的宝贝’睡觉,一个跟我一起无聊撒娇,一个能和我为了我们往后的日子一起同甘共苦的男人,一个会在我诉苦时细心聆听,一个对我有万分的耐心,一个对我不离不弃的好男人。虽然一时都说不完,者全部就代表着我感激所有数不尽的你对我的好。


借问有谁会对一个没意思的女孩给与万分的关怀。还记得有一天你不让伤风感冒的我走到外面的店去吃午餐。你找了一把雨伞,坚持的要帮我撑伞。也有一天你知道我在外面吃饭,看到天空下起雨了你就打电话问我在那里要接我回去。我说要喝“贡茶”你就真的打包了给我。还凌晨带了我这个不会喝酒的傻妹去诊所。当时你被名为“晒月光男孩”,因为常常都半夜来接我聊到凌晨才送我回家。单独的约我出去看戏。坚持的你难道有那么难承认你已经爱上了我? 也可能这一直以来显得坚强的我在你的背后却显得想让你有着想保护我脆弱的一面。



还好有教会我从小要储蓄的习惯,除了用来给我大学的费用也在这7-8年内储蓄了一笔钱。牺牲也就必然,不再去美容院,宁愿去廉价的发廊剪头发,想染头发做护理都在家自己做就好了,不再买美容化妆品,少点买衣服和鞋子,少吃点商场餐厅吃多点杂饭, 平时都不爱也不追名牌东西,全部省下的钱就换来给我们有个温暖的家。试问在这个年代又有多少个女孩愿意牺牲原有的所有还愿意付出多一倍就是为了将来。这一切都是我心甘情愿,因为我所为你做的所有都值得。换作是以前,我一定不会这样做。





有那个女孩看到婚纱店外面摆的衣服就不会想去回头多看几眼。我也是一位女孩,我也会回头望一望。想像如果是我穿着那个梦幻的婚纱在“三朵里尼“拍照那该有多浪漫。 可是我宁愿选择跟对的人在一起,这所有都变的不重要。就算是我们只可以在本地的场所拍摄,也可以一样是那么的幸福和快乐。俗语说人比人逼死人。如果要跟他人比较那可是一个没完没了的结果。这个道理可不是每个人都明白。





Wednesday, July 22, 2015

3 Years and a Lifetime

Fairy tales always ended with happy endings because they are made up stories which doesn't happen in real life. Our story was nothing close to magical but efforts that both put into together in all these years into making things possible.

Even the first few photos that we took together is nothing close to decent

Do you remember the day on how things first started? 
Honestly, I don't remember when was the first time that I've met you. Obviously, it wasn't a love at first sight for both of us. You got mixed up with me and another girl, thinking that I'm one of the "la-la mui" in the Marketing & Comms Department. And to me, you were just another nerd who sits in the computer lab. We only came to know each other more when you dropped by often to look for your 'smoking-buddy'. 

However, I remember the day whereby I bumped into you three times - first was somewhere along the corridor, second was before you enter the lift and called me "jie jie" and third was in front of the one stop centre where I pulled your lanyard and we both felt awkward. The day we got to know each other more is that very day when I collected the projector from you and we ended up chatting for nearly an hour which is when we found common grounds and interests towards each other. That is when perception towards each other changes and we got to know each other better.

Reminisce of such is definitely important for a life long relationship, as we constantly remind each other and cherish these moments. This is when we both first gave each other the 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling. And I still felt so at times now, looking at your from afar and remembering those moments of how I fell in love with you.

I was in the midst of blowing my hair, and he said "Come la, why you blow like that one. Let me do for you"

There were no bouquet, chocolates, gifts, just ...
Small gestures. 31.07.2012 marks the start of our journey from catching a movie. During the whole duration before we started, all you gave to me was just Ochado, egg tarts, Starbucks, McDonald's RM1 cone ice cream, nougats (souvenir from your ex from Australia). Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but I'm just trying to say that somethings are not satisfied by through materialistic items minus the nougats! (Don't ever recycle things from your ex and pass on to a girl, that's like the worse thing to do ever). 

Our relationship was built on the small little things that we did for each other and it's the little things that makes a big difference.

Hence, until to date, you've never failed to leave the toothbrush with toothpaste for me, you will always make sure there's a cup of water or constantly remind me to do so, vice versa that the little things that I will still continue to do for all the years to come.

Someone said that I will only get this once at the beginning of the relationship. 
Hmm... I'm not getting such similar things now, but many other little things that I do cherish a lot

You were the right one
Nope, there ain't a meteor that fell hard on my head and I'm like "Yes ! You are the right one". It was after a series of getting to know each other better and sharing the same goals that we have for life, the feeling that was built over time that made us sure that we were the right one for each other.

You are the only one who took a DISC personality test and got the same result as mine amongst 200 other colleagues around. They said opposite attracts, but I said, you need to be with a person who somehow share the same perspective in life to be able spend the rest of your life together.

Of course, we are different in other ways too. I'm terrible on roads whereby I literally have no sense of direction and I tend to get mix up with left and right at times and worse is when I can't find where I parked my car. Whereas, he have trouble with planning ahead and time management.

These are the drawbacks at times but these were made to compliment each other especially when we were travelling. I would be the planner who does all the itinerary, mapping and he would be the navigator throughout the journey.

Nope, it's definitely not love at first sight. 
We grew to know each other better before committing to signing our lives off to each other. 

Taught me more on compassion, kindness ...
Most of the time, I would just brush my way through the busy crowd and I barely notice the people around me. Whereas after being with you, I've learned how to held the lift and give ways to others (not the on road, because yourself would turn into a monster) and be kind of others who's in need of help (even you know when they're just cheating you and yet you still want to try your luck).

It says that your partner actually reflects of the other person, which to the extend that it's very true indeed. Thanks to you, I've became a more sensible person again and picked up the bits and pieces of traits that I used to have, but gone missing over the past years.

The journey that we have been together doing just a small act of kindness along the way

You make me smile like a sun, fall outta bed, sing like a bird 
I believed that many around me have not seen such smile and happiness from me since the past years ever since the recovery from depression. I would say that the first step is to help yourself, or no one can help you walk out of it at all.

They noticed it almost immediately that there's something really different somehow. I guess you felt the same, that we brought the long lost joy into each other's life again. Never once that you could imagine I'm this crazy girl who would do random things and speak alien language at times that we have our own dictionary of words that only we ourselves understand. Neither I did foresee that you are one who tell lame jokes that I don't even know if I should laugh or cry.

I remember the times when I was walking alone and how I thought of you and I started smiling like a fool. And those messages that we used to send to each other to brighten each other's day with a little encouragement that goes along the way. - You make my heart smile.

I find happiness in the simplest of things 

I'm not only your wife, but your little fan along the way
It's pretty important to be proud of your other half when you speak of one another. I'm always proud of you and I could go on like the whole day about the things you could do or you are doing, though mostly that I only understand half of them minus all the coding languages. Honestly, I've never thought that I would marry someone that I could look up to, having such a strong personality and being independent most of the time, I prefer to get things done by myself.

Although you always tease me with the next line that I'm gonna question you "How you know one?", and you're gonna tell me "Common sense" but it's true that I've learned a lot having you to look up to all these while. If one day I were to be the audience sitting amongst the crowd looking at you when you speak, I would definitely feel extremely proud to know acknowledge that the person up there is my dear husband.

I've always admire how you could figure the logic of putting things together with all the DIY furniture at home until the extend of fixing all the miscellaneous stuffs at home.

I wondered if you do brag about your wife at times on the meals and dessert that she made for you. And how talented is she with all the artworks that she have done or how well she sing just like Adele (I wish). Or how hardworking and a fast leaner she is in most of the things :P *self praise mode*

I wouldn't have been able to do this on my own, putting all those wood and screws together and build a bed of our own.

Fate determines the ones that came through your life, you decide the outcome...
We felt that we have known each other for very long though it was just a short period of time and this scenario explains it all. All along we knew that we were from the same primary school, but we never thought that we would have met each other by any chance since we were in different grade. Until that very day when the red van appeared and we realised that we used to take the same transport to school for about a year before we parted ways.

That was how fate brought us back together again after close to 18 years. Having to find out that you were that chubby little boy who always skipped school or miss the van for being late and I'm that little girl who was clumsy who always end up with bruises and wound on my knee.

Therefore, our choice of being together 3 years ago wasn't just based on fate, since we only found out about this much later. It was purely a leap of faith when you don't always need a plan in life, to not regret in chances that you didn't take in life.

Fate brought us together, but it's both job to work together to make this relationship last for good

Gratitude & Appreciation
We are too busy looking at the big things around us and often left out the small little things in our life that matters a lot. Thank you for constantly showing your appreciation for everything that I've done for you whether it's a meal that I've cooked or small little gestures. And I do appreciate the time that you've made for us despite the constant busy schedule due to work and all.

When I was told to only marry you one day when you're deemed successful
I refuse to choose to marry you when you are somebody one day. I refuse to only settle down with you when you are earning a million bucks. That is because most of the women who have been with their husband when they started with nothing and support them throughout will probably stay alongside for good no matter what is to come in the future.

At least I know that I'm that person, who started with you when you have almost nothing during the startup, and the things that we have been through and build with our own hands and make do with only what we had that brought us together even closer than anyone else could imagine.

Successful has a relatively wide range of definition. And to me, you and I are pretty successful at our age earning a decent income and living a simple life.

The right time?
There ain't a right time, there's only regrets to not make the right choice at the moment when you knew that it was the right thing to do.

Fate have brought us back together, and it's our choice to make the decision. There's no need to wait upon on fate and put a test to it to say that fate will make us stick together forever. The decision of getting married is the choice of both to commit to a life long journey to build a foundation of both that have nothing to do with fate or destiny but more of putting the efforts to make things work.

One doesn't come into argument and blame today being a bad day as written on the lunar calendar, but a relationship is about listening, giving in and talk things through to move on in life.

A relationship last is because two person make a choice to keep it, fight for it, and work for it.

Just like 'Up', I will be with you till the end

Happy 3rd Anniversary

3 years. It's not that long after all, but somehow it felt really long. Perhaps it was due to what we have accomplished in such a short time and the things that we have been through together. How we started from 0 and we decided to get a place of our own due to limitation and out of convenience. Saving our asses off to pay for the deposit, renovation and with the graciousness of my family sponsoring some of the appliances to make our home complete.

It wasn't an easy journey at all for the past 1 year, with all the hard work that we have placed painting the whole place on our own and even the doors, fixing the DIY furniture until it's almost complete now.

From the proposal to the whole marriage planning, though there were many ups and downs along the way, but I'm sure we have grown as the commitments grow bigger as well. The obstacle for not receiving the blessing was the biggest challenge of all to overcome. We knew that what is to come will not be easy, I appreciate the perseverance that you had throughout this period of time and all the efforts that you have placed in to make things possible for us.

I can't express how much I look forward to our wedding. Though it's just a simple one, but I would cherish every single memory and experience that we had or have yet to go through together. Can't wait to take the pre-wedding photos and video and imagine how funny they would they turn out to be. Can't wait for the actual day for all the joy and fun that are yet to come.

All the anticipation sums to a whole of spending our life together to build a family of our own.

Love is a meeting of two souls, fully accepting the dark and the light within each other, 
bound by the courage to grow struggle into bliss

All I wish...
I wanna marry you because you're the first person I wanna look at when I wake up in the morning, and the only one I want to kiss goodnight. I wanna hold your hand and fall asleep until they sweat and never let go. When you love someone as much as I love you, getting married is the only thing left to do.

Despite having our own place, under circumstances that we could not spend each and every night together. Therefore I would cherish what's left when there isn't an option available. I deeply still wish that these wishes do come true.

I could have continue on and on and write a novel out of us, but I just want you to know how much you really meant to me. I meant each and every word that was written here, and I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. 3 years and going strong and more to come till we grow old together. You are my one and only since the day I said yes to you and I shall hold on to this commitment as long as I could. There's only three words left to say - I love you :)




但愿我们 执子之手,白头偕老。

Happy Anniversary my dear, and I love you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015



爱情一开始永远都是那么的甜蜜。可是一当时间久了,很多东西从浪漫就慢慢的开始变了理所当然。要一直保持着那样的状况一起走到最后并不容易。这是要靠着双方的努力,双方守着当初对对方许下的承诺而一直的走下去。只要一方开始把手松开,另一方就能自然的感觉得到。 另一方可以选择试着把对方的手握紧,用着方式把对方扯回来。可是毕竟如果时间久了付出的太多,一方面就自然而然的感觉厌倦而选择放手。


如果这一生你能遇见这三个人:你最爱的人,最爱你的人和你共度一生的人 ,而他们全部都是同一人,幸运的你应该值得好好的去珍惜这段缘分。

Saturday, January 3, 2015

No Act of Kindness is Too Small - One Day Journey to Temerloh #SavePantaiTimur

There were tragedies after tragedies during the year of 2014 for our country. Including the recent flood that's still on going currently in our country.

All these started with just a simple liner "Feeling like just going over to give a little help to the flood victims, instead of staying back here with all the petty issues that's not necessary at all".

Let's skip that part and fast forward.

After a few days, my fiance just randomly asked me if I would like to tag along with him if we found some people who are heading to the flood areas to help the victims. We didn't really have a concrete plan that time. Initially we wanted to head to the more serious place and stay over a few nights, however due to safety concerns, he decided that we should just do a one day trip down to Temerloh with the assistance of Hezry since his family and there's some locals that would be able to guide and assist us.

Why Temerloh? This place is not the worse affected area, however there are people who are stranded in their house without electricity and water supplies. They might not have enough supplies if they're not staying in the relief centres and there's villages that needs boat to transport such goods to them.

Photo credits: Hezry

In just 2 days and a posting on Facebook, with some mutual friend's sharing, we got almost RM1,000.00 of donations from friends around and many who offered to purchase goods, supplies and medicine for us to bring over there. We rush off from work on new year's eve to collect the truck from a kind soul who offered to lend us her truck with a full tank of diesel and smartag with credits and started the collections from friends all around PJ. Some of our friends & my family offered to send straight to my house.

Collecting & fetching supplies during NYE

With a house full of supplies and goods, we needed many hands to assist us in the packing. We have things ranges from portable gas stove, biscuits, milo, milk power for adults & kids, sanitary pads, pampers, assorted canned food, clothings, mineral waters, bread, rice, medicine, first aid kits, toiletries etc. My family gladly offered to come over to lend their helping hand for nearly 4 hours just before the clock hits 12a.m. where everyone would be like wishing each other 'Happy New Year' and looking at fireworks. Finally, with everyone's help, we managed to categorised and separate the things into two different batches as there will be two groups heading to two different places tomorrow. And I'm thankful for my aunt who kindly loan out the place and had to clean up after all the packing was done up.

Family members who gladly offered to come over to help and my house looking like a temporary relief center

The night continues on for my fiance and myself as we needed to use the donated funds to purchase the goods that we are lacking. We headed to NSK as that's the only hypermarket that's opened for 24 hours. We stocked up supplies of instant noodles, milo, towels, torch lights, batteries and medicine. Finally, we managed to reach home about 3a.m. in the morning with the last minute packing. Headed to bed right away as we will have a long day ahead.

Friend who sent over about 15 portable gas stoves with refills

Our day started at 8a.m. and all the volunteers are here about 9a.m. to help us load all the stuffs up to 3 of the pickup trucks. There were 3 trucks, one with my fiance, my cousin - Sam and myself, the other one with Ian and his friends, another one with a couple who's a friend to the girl who loaned us her truck, then the all girls truck with Beatrice, Michelle and Caitlyn. Yes, more girls volunteered for this mission more than guys! And Beatrice actually drove the truck both ways to Temerloh. We took a while to fit all the goods and tying them properly with canvas just in case there's rain.

Departed and met Hezry at our meeting point in Gombak, on the way to Bentong. Upon arriving the petrol station, I was really touched to see the amount of people and volunteers that swamped the station. And everyone put on a smile on their face, with all the different groups ranges from soldiers, bomba and individual groups. We all knew one thing, we are here to help and we stand as 1Malaysia disregarding our races.
All the trucks at the gas station gathering to depart to different affected areas in our country

Journey to Temerloh continues and we parted into two groups whereby one will be heading to the part that requires boat rides to access the major part of the affected areas and us which will be heading to different small villages to distribute the goods.

As we approached Bentong's toll, there were only 1 lane that's in operations and all the cars were stopped to question where they are heading, then the second toll at Lanchang where we see lesser and lesser cars around and looks like we are the only ones on the road now. Finally we approached the toll close to Temerloh, however that toll was closed as we can see ahead that the whole highway was flooded with water. We used an alternative road and we arrived at our first destination which is a mosque.

We dropped off some goods here for them and they offered us lunch even with limited supplies. We could not bare to reject them, so we just took a little feeling bad that there's not enough for everyone. They were extremely thankful and they treated us so well that they don't even let us wash the dishes.

All they had for their lunch was just simple egg curry, vege and nangka. They still have water supplies, therefore cooking and washing was still possible.

We hold our breath for seconds to cross this road which was half washed away by the water

We bid farewell and continued our journey to the other part of Temerloh. I didn't manage to take down all the names of the villages as we were busy distributing goods. We arrived at one of the distribution centers and there were army delivering supplies to them. So we headed elsewhere and delivered home to home instead. These people are the one that's still in their homes, maybe the relief centers were full, some of their homes were fine but there's no electricity and water. Therefore, they actually don't receive much goods or there's not even enough in the relief centers for everyone.

House submerged under the water, there were dead chicken and animal corpse in the water

Sunning some clothes after the flood

Family feeling thankful after receiving the goods 

Hezry's relatives and friends gladly offered to tag along with us to guide and speak to the locals to ensure that supplies are distributed fairly according to their needs.

Yup that's one big box of sanitary pads that we have on the truck

After that, we entered another village called Kerdau which the access of the roads are flooded. We see more houses that's affected by the flood and some washed away into the river. During the distribution, there were individuals who were thankful and said they had enough and we should save some for the rest who needed more supplies. However, there's also individual that comes around looting stuffs following us every house we stopped and kept saying that he don't have enough for everything. 

The water level rises pretty quickly upon approaching evening time and we couldn't head too far to Jerantut or we might be stranded. Here's a video of how we barely made through the flood. 

Along the way, we have also met many other kind souls that's also distributing goods to the villagers

Finally, after a whole long tiring day, we manage to distribute all our goods to all the villagers. The remaining ones like medical supplies and torch lights were placed on the collection point whereby the villagers will use boats to transport the goods to those who are stranded. Not all the boats were equipped with motors, a guy was using 'dayung' with a full load of stuffs to get into the affected areas. 

As for the other group of us, they have also dropped their supplies in two different areas. Both these areas can't be access by roads any longer and boat was their only means to transport supplies to the villagers. I really can't imagine how they live on for nearly a week without proper electricity and water supplies.

Both the teams have come to an end of the one day mission during late evening, we headed back to KL before the sunset. We were very glad that there's not even a single drop of rain on that day which means the water levels should be going down slowly. 

Rangy decided to leave the car number plate behind as souvenirs after going through the waters. Here marks the end of our journey, feeling extremely tired and exhausted, but everyone have returned home feeling great that we manage to lend a helping hand to the victims. However, these are really just a very small part that we have done. There's still a lot out there that still needs help. Really glad to see how our country united and came together as one during such times, many large corporation, both government and private sponsored goods or make use of their logistic lorries to deliver goods.

The purpose of writing this post is not about glory or having others to thank us for what we have done. This is just to share and let others know and as an encouragement for the younger generation to come to step out of their comfort zone sometimes to help others in need. Nowadays, how often we see others giving priority seats or even helping a blind man to cross the road which what the basics that we have learned in primary school. Maybe if everyone could be just a little selfless at times, this may change a lot of things.

We would like to personally extend our gratitude towards those who have donated in terms of goods and cash:
Aaron, Maddie, Shan, Bryan, K.Sian, Elaine, my aunt, Ann T., W.Ling, Suzanne O., H.Loon, Patrick, Siang T., Michelle, Abrenda, H.Ming, Lily C.,S.Pei, S.Mei, Lillian, Justin, Pui Mun (If we missed out anyone, please do refresh my memory).

Monday, December 29, 2014

Thank You for Coming Into My Life

Here are the pictures that was used for the proposal, a short story about us. Thank you to all the friends who was present to make this special day as a surprise and the one who was behind all the photo-shopping and setting up.

The moment that you came into my life, I knew that you were the one for me. - Reciting, was this what you said to me on 28.12.2014 ?

There wasn't any love at first sight, when you thought I was one of the most lala girl in Marketing and I thought you were just another technical nerd that sits in front of the pc and work all day long.

20 years ago ... 
We thought that we first met each other at our previous work place, KDU but just to find out that we actually sat in the same 'aunty van' to primary school about 20 years ago. He was that chubby little boy who's always late or skip school making us wait in the van for a while before he comes out. And I'm that little girl with a jumbo sized backpack who always fell down and ended up with two bruised knee caps.

Coming back to about 3 years plus ago ...
Took at least months for me to realised that you actually exist. That's how we actually started our conversation randomly over loaning of projector which we ended up talking for nearly 30 minutes. Then came this guy with a chimp photo that added me on Facebook. I remembered talking over the cubicle asking my colleagues Josie & Spermmy "who's this chimp guy adding me and do I even know him?". They tried to describe him to me, but I just couldn't remember besides knowing that he's someone behind the extension of 6770. So I added him and left him there for months before we really did speak to each other again.

There were more encounters and we slowly got to know each other better. Got to find out that he's not that nerdy after all, but more of a party kaki and car enthusiast. But I know nothing about car, besides bringing me from Point A to Point B. I was never a party kaki as well, having to only been to clubbing like once a year kind of thing.

There's just something that draws us together, things that we share in life and goals that we have. Knowing that both of us actually carries the same profile over a personality test whose very strong in determination and doesn't give up easily in things. Then we slowly discovered more things we share in common about making DIY stuffs and having the sense of achievement. And he realised that I'm not in any way close to materialistic (hey! do I look like one?) but a crazy girl that does random things at times that makes him laugh if I did left my brain somewhere, somehow.

We started on 31.07.2012 ...
This is not the exact date, but we decided to pick this date because some events took place on that date. We weren't sure what are we up to at that moment, but you threw away all the uncertainties, and took a leap of faith to be with me. You told me that there's nothing much that you could give me as you're working in a startup and building a dream. I told you that there's nothing much that I asked from you besides being with you.


Although with much limited resources, we work things around and enjoyed doing many things together. Many times in life, it's just about how you see things and work things out along the way. I joined contests and won us a trip to Lombok and with many other road trips that we enjoyed around locally.


We celebrate 1,2 Years of Anniversary together...
Time flies and we celebrated our 1, 2 and going to 3 years anniversary together and hope for many many years ahead. We have always been a loyal customer of Sekeping all the while, spending both our anniversaries over at their places.

We bought a place together... 
Earlier of the year, we have decided that we should get a place together knowing that the house prices are rising like mad in our country and soon we won't be able to afford. Then we slowly started to build our small little dream hut with many of those DIY stuffs. Apparently, he's not only good with programming but he also have great talents, logic, skills and of course hard work in making all the sofas, dining table, study table and bed for our place. And me as the assistant who doesn't even know how to hit a nail, now have learned many things.

You have taught me many things in life ...
You have taught me how to be kind to others with actions and be considerate, Not that I wasn't such a kind and compassionate person, but being in the current society, many would choose to ignore or even lend a helping hand to others or just even a simple smile or greetings to strangers. Now I've learned that with simple gestures without hoping for returns, they just made my day a little better. Simple gestures like holding the lift and doors for others and putting a smile, you'll see the world with a whole lots of difference. You felt better for what you've done for others, but not always living in grudge thinking that what you deserve and how others should be treating you right.

He's always late on a date with me or others. Because he often stop by to help car or motorcyclist who are stranded on the road which most of the people would just ignore and say "You ki siao ah? How you know what's their intention behind? Nowadays we can trust no one. Let's go...". Our society is slowly dying with all these mentalities around. Remember the small girl in China who was crushed and left on the street for over 5 minutes before anyone came to save her and created such an impact?

Treat others as you want to be treated -

There were many first time ...
I have never been to such music festival in my life, and don't even know what's this all about (yea, I was so innocent). He brought me there, which is the first also the last one here in our country. So it was nothing bad after all, besides just music and dancing which I totally suck at because I have no or zero sense of coordination  (well, I was taught that such things are not good for me, wth). There was also the first time, driving up to Genting with only 30 minutes using roads that there's only us and tree and monkeys perhaps? Which I thought I was sitting on a roller coaster (shhh, don't tell these to my parents! I'm still in one piece). First time driving in a foreign country for hours across streets with cow and chickens just for a beautiful mountain view. First time watching series of Sherlock Holmes and Darren Brown that I never thought that I would be interested in such things. First time driving back and forth from Kuantan to Kemaman just because I'm hungry for supper and everything was closed. And many many others..

Until this date 28.12.2014 when you ask of my hands to be yours.

Thank you for your unconditional love
Thank you for always being there for me
Thank you for every small little thoughts
Thank you for always being patient
Thank you for always being caring
Thank you for always making me my favorite dessert
Thank you for making my life complete

Don't ask me how much my ring cost. Because since the beginning I've shared with the other half that the engagement ring is just a symbol of being committed and moving the relationship to the next phase. We were never a follower or believer of diamond or so. I'd rather the money to be well spent somewhere else rather than on materialistic things.

The love is not measured by the carat,
But sincerity that comes from the heart,
There ain't no happily ever after,
But to work together to grow old together.

Your fiance.