Wednesday, September 17, 2014




在迷茫的人群之间能与你爱的人相遇是一件难得的事情。更难得的就是你在瞬间已觉得他是那个将陪你共度一生的 那个人。




难道说娶了老婆肯定她就是一个很大的负担,一定就导致你事业不成功等等?可曾听过一个成功背后男人有着一个对他不离不弃的女人? 而且以现在这个社会的女人,我们根本就不用靠男人来给与我们三餐温饱,我们是反而是帮男人们分享负担。所以就算是结了婚,男人的钱也不用分一半给老婆,只是的空就哄哄老婆开心买点什么等。反而有时女人所为头家牺牲的永远都超越男人。娶了这样的老婆是男人三生得来的福气。又怎么来的负担和拖累?




要不然就是女人担心的就是浪费了那么多的时间,光阴和付出了那么多不知是金钱上,也包括着精神和心思。难道等浪费了那么多的所有可以就这样,拍拍屁股说算了就了了事,当作什么都没发生过。 这几年的爱情长跑,男人却没什么表示,难道说在托几年然后分手了到了那个年纪要去那里再找另一个人随便嫁掉? 男人却不明白让一个女人等了又等的那种失落感可能就是导致她们失去所要的安全感。




原来放弃一段长跑的感情是那么的简单和容易,就是不想继续就放下了。女人会想说是我哪里做的不好或不够呢?然后就想尽办法费尽心思的去为了让男人开心做了好多好多。过后才发现原来做了太多自己也觉得好累,却没办法改变了什么,还是跟原本一样。就是这样女人也渐渐的慢慢选择放弃不再把自己的思想分享给男人。 难道就说一点也不觉得伤心? 可能就是觉得这爱情长跑太累了,是时候放下。宁愿是这样倒不如自己受苦等待一个不知道会不会发生的未来。















完结篇也写下了据点。其实已经开始厌倦,可是在还有的救济之下,又何必要把一切都搞垮呢? 可能背后有着许多人的指指点点,有些就是甚至看到到最终还是走不下去,去感谢天谢地,就是不看好也不祝福,看人家的不好就让他人心凉。 可是,又何必去为了他人毁掉自己一生的幸福。决定权仍然在你的手中, 除非你觉得这一切都不值得。 
这好一句的 “不要为了那些还未到来的忧虑,而错过了当下握在手中的美好


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Journey of You & Me

Life’s a journey, a lifelong journey with a destination we hope to reach in the end. Along the whole journey, we have people who are important to us, people who are just passerby and eventually people whom we opt to live without and move on with life. The journey is like a lifelong experience with many lessons that taught us and make us grow into who we are. Everyone live with a past, whether they’re good or bad, but we strive to live life without regretting on the things we have done. There are things that we eventually need to learn how to let go, there’s perspective in life that we will have to change, because change is constant and we can never stop time.

We all know that good relationship don’t just happened with a snap of finger, takes both party’s commitment and time, patience and both who truly wishes to spend their life together. I’ve been in a long relationship for 9 long years. Many questioned why and how could I stayed on if the relationship wasn’t a pleasant one. I don’t have a definite answer for this. All I would say is that I was once young and naïve, sacrificing and believing in things that’s unrealistic. However, once you hit a certain age, you’re looking for a man whom you can depend on for the rest of your life. Not just another one who sits around and play computer games at home, and telling you having a job is ‘good enough’ without having other plans in life.

I came to the point to ditch the past and took a step forward to this person whom I’m currently dating now. I was definitely unsure and uncertain of what’s ahead but just merely a leap of faith and feelings that told me it’s the right thing to do. Meeting him was by fate, becoming friends was a choice and how we were attracted to each other with never ending conversations throughout the day. I still remember how I was attracted to him, someone whom I’ve longed for all these years, things we shared and the common goals we had towards life. Someone I foresee that I could spend the rest of my life with.

He’s obviously smarter than me in some ways to compliment my clumsiness, and my good memory that compliments his forgetfulness. And how one is open to learning and growing intellectually really kept our relationship going. I can't take guys who thinks that they’re smart enough or they’re not willing to learn or make an effort to learn simple things around them. I was also attracted to his modesty, humility and ego which is well balance, other than those times when he’s driving which is a totally different person in whole.
I’ve had enough with guys with big ego always putting on the blame on others. These are the crucial things that we share in common, which forms part of the believe in our lives together.

There are just the things that made us felt that we were meant for each other. The feeling as if you have known this person for a very long time, and without speaking a word he knows exactly what’s in my mind. Perhaps we were the long lost friend during primary school, he's the little fatty who held me up when I fell down at the basketball court. We could spelled out each other's most horrible nickname during primary which no one ever mentioned for nearly 15years. The compatibility we have and how we work together in getting things done. 

Years ago, I've once went through a long tough period of depression before I manage to pick myself up again. The long lost smiles that he has manage to brought back into my life. Things that he tried to correct me in life, that I’ve not realized how I’ve taken things for granted at times. The numerous nagging on my lifestyle and the efforts he put in to make me sit up straight every time when I’m having meals. Though I might show him a sour face, but deep inside I’m still glad that he makes the effort to nag at me.

Besides all the good times and sweet memories that we have together for these 2 years plus, seemed like time flies. I recalled that I was still staring at my phone and longing for his messages asking me out for Starbucks and movies. How we used to tease each other, actually that’s call flirting and how I made him picked up the drunk me after a company’s event and sending me to clinic after having a massive headache due to mixing of alcohol drinks. How he got mad at me for turning up at work, when the doctor granted me medical leave. And how he got hold of me during a silly ice age movie when the fellor was chasing after a pathetic nut instead of the spiderman's movie kissing scene. How I got shocked having to sleep next to him for the first time and he started talking gibberish coding language and slapping his own face during mid night just to realised that he was just sleep talking. Hence getting used to the snoring that I literally hear nothing these days. 

Besides one of the most important part of the relationship is that he cares about my thoughts. He would never fail to take my hand to ask me if I’m ok, if there’s anything wrong once he sense that there’s something between us. One should always respond with much empathy, sincerity and caring to make the other half feels that he/she is important to you in many ways. At times, after a bad day at work, all you wanted is just a hug from the person and not going home to another fight. And how he would put me into all these cars enthusiast stuffs, which I have totally no idea what was he talking to me about in the very beginning. At times, we make sacrifices for each other just to see each other happy.

There was a long struggle before we came to the decision of getting a place together. The place that means a lot to us, because with our home which is the only place that we could find the together-time that shuts us from the problems and issues of the world, people around us, that takes us away from stressful time just for that period of time. I wouldn't call this as selfish, but at times when things in life are overwhelming for us to cope, we really needed a shelter to get away. Who doesn't? We are all human, if you have doubts go listen to the song "I'm only human" we do break down at times. At times, things ain't as perfect as what others see on the surface. When you only choose to hear from one party's view, things might have been biased in many ways. 

By having a place that we can really call home, we could turned up the music that we enjoyed, a place for him to concentrate in work, while I can cook some meals at times, and at least giving him a proper good night sleep that he has not been having for years. 

I'm really thankful to have him to come into my life and make a whole lots of changes. Though we have been going through much ups and downs lately, my life wasn't the same after I've met him. At times, these obstacles in life we will have to take them as trials to make our relationship stronger. When comes to things that we can't change, we will just have to work our way out even there's no way. He's one of a kind to me that I wouldn't be able to find elsewhere.